Women’s Forum Against Fundamentalism in
Public Statement
June 14, 2005
Women’s Protest Set the Tune for Real
Change in Iran
Boston, MA – On Sunday June 12, 2005, Iranian women gathered without a
permit, to protest the system of gender apartheid in Iran. As their sit-in grew to
a large street protest against the regime, the Iranian security forces and
paramilitary policemen moved to beat, arrest and
identify the protesters for future harassments and persecution. Women were able
to draw a large crow and take over several streets of Tehran.
In a published
declaration, Iranian women outlined their demand for change insisting
“democracy will not be possible in Iran unless full rights of
women are recognized”. The declaration outlines that the organized women’s
movement in Iran will continue:
Until there is a ban on forced marriages
Until divorced women gain equal rights for child
Until polygamy is banned and all temporary
marriages, legal or illegal, is totally abolished
Until violence against women ends and shelters are
provided for run away girls and women
Until there are more options available to young
women in their choice of life style
Until there is no more self-immolation of women
because of their social despair and depression
Until there is a social safety net for poor and
economically-deprived women and girls
Until there is democracy and freedom established
in Iran
The declaration refers
to Iran’s constitution and
emphasizes that “legal rights is our minimum demand”. While outlining 25 years
of anti-women laws in Iran’s constitution, the
declaration refers to the inherent incompatibility between women’s demand for
equality and the nature of fundamentalist regime. The declaration concluded
that women will continue their anti-government protests until their demands for
real change in Iran are met.
Women Forum Again
Fundamentalism in Iran (WFAFI) applauds the brave women and girls of Iran who shook the
misogynous system of fundamentalism in Tehran yesterday.
Just days before Iran’s unpopular
presidential election, women set the tune for real change in Iran. Instead of focusing on
the worthless election, women are offering a roadmap for change of the regime
in Iran. Indeed, democracy is
the only solution that can help Iranian women achieve
true equality and freedom. WFAFI calls upon all freedom loving people of the
world to come to the aid of Iranian women and echo their voice of change around
the world. We urge you to ask your governments and representatives to boycott
the anti-women regime in Tehran and support the women
of Iran.
P.O.Box 15205,
Boston, MA 02215
Tel: (617) 590-1665
Fax: (610) 862-9110