Forum Against Fundamentalism in Iran
Public Statement
March 28, 2007
Iranian Women Denounce UNHRC's Decision to End Human Rights Monitoring in Iran
– On March 26th, 2007 the U.N. Human Rights Council voted to end a routine
monitor of the status of human rights in Iran. This vote was based on the
recommendation presented by the Five-Nation panel to the Council, mostly
notorious violators of human rights themselves. Such travesty is in contrast
with the views of the U.N. General Assembly that strongly condemned Tehran's
regime for systematic violations of human rights in December 2006.
For the past 28 years, Tehran's fundamentalist regime maintains the highest number of female executions in the world. Thousands of political prisoners, among them pregnant women, teenage girls and grandmothers, have been executed publicly and privately in notorious prisons such as Evin in Tehran, Gohardasht, Tabriz, Mashad, Esfahan, Shiraz, Ahwaz and other major cities. According to Tehran's own account, 189 prisoners were hanged in 2006, including women and minors. Last year a total of 1,250,000 people were arrested in Iran. Peaceful demonstrations of women, students, teachers, bus drivers, labor unions and ethnic minorities were violently suppressed and hundreds arrested and imprisoned.
Currently, there are eight women sentenced to death by stoning and 32 facing execution by other means, five of them are below the age of 20.
Tehran's regime practices stoning, public hanging, amputations of limbs or
gouging of eyes as forms of punishment, UN Human Rights Council calls off the
routin monitoring of the status of human rights in Iran. This is a tragedy and
disgrace for humanity. The Council is in charge of advocating and safeguarding
human rights, not turning a blind eye and rewarding the violators.
Women’s Forum Against Fundamentalism in Iran (WFAFI) denounces the Council's decision and consider their vote as endorsing Tehran's gender apartheid regime. WFAFI calls upon the human rights organizations, officials and governments to protest this decision by the U.N. Human Rights Council. By ignoring the flagrant human rights violations in Iran, the Council emboldens the fundamentalist regime and encourages escalation of suppression. WFAFI also urges the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights to step in and assign a Special Rapporteur to monitor the situation of human rights in Iran.
Please write to UN Human Rights
Council and express your outrage on this vote and ask for continuous
monitoring of human rights situation in Iran.
Please write to UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon, to intervene and press for continued monitoring of human rights in Iran
Please write to
Amnesty International and Human
Rights Watch and urge them to issue a statement and mobilize their
network on this issue.
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