Forum Against Fundamentalism in Iran
Public Statement
July 28, 2009
Iran 's Supreme Leader Launches Savage Attacks on Iranian Opposition in Exile
BOSTON, MA- Using Iraqi forces, Tehran 's regime has launched a savage attacks on Iran 's main opposition group, based in Camp Ashraf , Iraq . According to Arabic media and statement by US Committee for Camp Ashraf Residents (USCCAR), "Iraqi Police force is continuing its savage attack on defenseless residents of Camp Ashraf, members of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran, using pepper gas, tear gas, batons and sound grenades under 135 degree (Fahrenheit) heat. "In the last several hours, Iraqi forces have opened fire on Camp Ashraf residents. More than three hundred have been wounded and four have been killed.
It is truly unfortunate to see Iraqi forces are conducting themselves in such
manner that reminds all of us of the similar scenes of crackdown in streets of
Tehran and other cities in recent weeks. Several residents of Camp Ashraf , both
men and women, have been brutally beaten and injured. A young man is currently
in coma and two others were arrested and taken to an unknown location. According
to USCCAR's statement "Homayoun Daiyhim and Gholamreza Behrouzi have been taken
by Iraqi forces after they were beaten unconscious. The number of wounded in
growing as the attacks is surging on."
Camp Ashraf , a self-run camp led by women and home to more than 3900 Iranians.
It has been based in Iraq for more than two decades and in 2004 was granted
"protected persons" status according to the 4th Geneva Convention. Since the
invasion of Iraq , US forces provided protection and security for the camp. In
January 2009, the US Government transferred the security and protection
responsibility of the camp to Iraq . In their statement, US Embassy in Iraq said
"U.S. forces will maintain a presence at Camp Ashraf and will continue to assist
the Government of Iraq in carrying out its assurances of humane treatment of the
residents of Camp Ashraf...The Government of Iraq has provided the US Government
written assurances of humane treatment of the Camp Ashraf residents in
accordance with Iraq's Constitution, laws, and international obligations."
Today's attacks on Camp Ashraf are neither humane nor legal. United States and
the Iraqi government must uphold its obligation toward the unarmed civilians in
Camp Ashraf . There are more than 1000 women among the residents of Camp Ashraf
. WFAFI calls upon all human rights organizations and women's organizations to
urge the US government and the United Nations Secretary General to immediately
take action to stop the ongoing and illegal attacks by Iraqi forces. WFAFI also
calls upon the International Committee of the Red Cross, US Embassy in Iraq and
other relevant bodies to engage the Iraqi government, stop the attacks and
ensure the safety and security of Camp Ashraf residents.
There is no doubt this is a plot by Khamenie's regime with coordinated plans to
silence opposition at home and abroad. The movement for change is irreversible
in Iran. Let us speak in support of Iranian opposition movement and prevent
Tehran 's regime to use the Iraqi government for its sinister objectives.
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Tel: (617) 590-1665
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