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Stoning according to Iran's constitution:

The penalty for adultery under Article 83 of the penal code, called the Law of Hodoud is flogging (100 lashes of the whip) for unmarried male and female offenders. Married offenders may be punished by stoning regardless of their gender, but the method laid down for a man involves his burial up to his waist, and for a woman up to her neck (article 102) 

Article 104 of the Law of Hodoud provides that the stones should not be so large that a person dies after being hit with two of them, nor so small as to be defined as pebbles, but must cause severe injury. This makes it clear that the purpose of stoning is to inflict grievous pain on the victim, in a process leading to his or her slow death. 



July 2006 Action Alert

Iranian regime is to stone  Malak Ghorbani

Once again, another Iranian woman has been sentenced to death by the barbaric practice of public stoning. On June 28, 2006, a court in the northwestern Iranian city of Urmia sentenced Malak Ghorbany to death for committing "adultery."

Sign the petition to stop Stoning

January  2006 Action Alert

Iranian regime is to execute two women

STOP THE Execution of  Delara Darabi Read more »

  1. Please write to  US Ambassador to the UN stop Iran from stoning  Hajieh Esmailvand 
  2. Please write to Secretary General Kofi Annan to stop Iran from stoning Hajieh Esmailvand case.
  3. Please write to European Parliaments and ask them to intervene urgently to save Hajieh Esmailvand.
  4. Please write to Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch and urge them to issue a statement on Hajieh Esmailvand case and mobilize their network.

August 2005 Action Alert


Stand Up for Iranian Women living under Islamic Fundamentalism

Take action to improve the status of women in Iran with the arrival of Iran’s New President. You can make a difference. Please take action today.


  1. Please write to Secretary of State and US Ambassador to the UN, urge them to take actions on these issues. 

  2. Please write to Secretary General Kofi Annan to stop the execution of Fakhteh and press for unconditional release of Dr. Roya Toloui.

  3. Please submit the information through Violence Against Women form.

4.       Please write to Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch and urge them to issue a statement on the following cases and mobilize their network.


Stand Up for Iraqi Women

WFAFI urges your to sign a petition to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to protect the rights of Iraqi women. As the August 15, 2005 deadline approaches for the completion of the new Iraqi constitution, women in Iraq fear that their hard-won rights could disappear.


US Should Deny Visa for Iran's President

Women’s Forum Against Fundamentalism in Iran (WFAFI) calls upon UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, to prevent Ahmadinejad’s participation in “2005 World Summit” and stand by the Iranian people’s struggle for a free and democratic state. WFAFI also calls upon President Bush and Secretary of State to deny Ahmadinejad’s entry visa to U.S. particularly as the nation prepares for the fourth memorial of September 11th tragedy. WFAFI urges Americans to contact their representatives in the House, Senate and other government officials to keep the pressure on Iran and take immediate action to deny an entry visa to Ahmadinejad.




STOP THE EXECUTION of 19 year old mentally ill girl in Iran >> Please use this text below for  your e-mail message to the Iranian Ministry of Justice:

We ask you not to execute Leyal M. from Arak. She needs psychiatric help. She is a victim of prostitution and child abuse. The execution of Leyla will have grave consequences for your government. We ask you to stop the execution order, otherwise we will engage in governmental pressure to save Leyla.


STOP THE STONING OF Ms. Hajieh Esmailvand Read more »

  1. Please write to Secretary of State and US Ambassador to the UN, Ambassador John C. Danforth and urge them to get EU stop Iran from stoning  Hajieh Esmailvand 
  2. Please write to Secretary General Kofi Annan to stop Iran from stoning Hajieh Esmailvand case.
  3. Please write to European Parliaments and ask them to intervene urgently to save Hajieh Esmailvand.
  4. Please write to Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch and urge them to issue a statement on Hajieh Esmailvand case and mobilize their network.

WFAFI calls upon the American people to write to their elected representatives and encourage them to recognize that the struggle of the Iranian women against the fundamentalist regime in Iran is extremely important in the field of international peace and security. Iranian women are the prime victims of fundamentalism and democracy is the only option to combat the rising threat of fundamentalism and terrorism emanating from Tehran. Encourage them to support the democratic aspiration of the Iranian people, particularly women. US House of Representative and US Senate.

Support WFAFI's 2004 Membership Drive. Let us close 2004 with strong membership.

Support VOW Radio broadcasting to Iran. Lend your support for facilitating the voice of women from Iran.


WFAFI calls upon all the women’s activists and advocates, NGO’s and human rights organizations to join in solidarity and stop violence against women in Iran.

1. Please write to Secretary General Kofi Annan and urge him to hold the Iranian regime responsible for the ongoing public execution of women and young girls in Iran.

2. Please write to European Parliaments and ask them to respect the democratic aspiration of the Iranian people and not make any deals with the fundamentalist regime of Iran.  



WFAFI calls upon all the women’s activists and advocates, NGO’s and human rights organizations to urge the UN General Assembly, in its current session, to issue a resolution condemning Iran’s human rights violations and particularly its criminal behavior towards women. The Iranian regime must be condemned for its blatant abuse of human rights and violence against women.


  1. Please write to Secretary of State and US Ambassador to the UN and urge them to sponsor a human rights resolution against Iran by referencing the above cases. 
  2. Please write to Secretary General Kofi Annan who made a statement on October 18th saying “We need to get across that Islam is not represented by the killers”.  Please ask him to hold the Iranian regime responsible in this case and intervene urgently. The UN needs to dispatch a fact finding mission to Iran and gather information on Jila Izadi’s case.
  3. Please write to European Parliaments and ask them to intervene urgently, while sponsoring a resolution on Iran’s human rights record in 2004.
  4. Please write to Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch and urge them to issue a statement on Jila Izadi’s case and mobilize their network.

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Women's Forum Against Fundamentalism in Iran is a US based non-profit organization based in Boston, Massachusetts.


Join WFAFI Today!

Annual membership fee is $25.00


WFAFI's Objectives

 Support the democratic aspiration of the Iranian people, particularly women, in their struggle against Islamic fundamentalism.


Support the efforts of Iranian women in areas of political leadership, economic development, and education.


Network with relevant institutions and organizations in an effort to achieve our stated mission.

Distribute E-Zan (our monthly newsletter), broadcast Farsi radio to Iran, publish fact sheets and policy briefs on pertinent subjects.